Monday, April 18, 2011

Nomination on Proposals;

Stephanie : In my opinion I believe Stephanie's blog is a great proposal, because women have worked hard through all those years to earn respect and equality. They are fully capable of doing everything themselves and they should not have to stand for abuse from anyone.

Nelsharry : Nelsharry's proposal should be enforced, because hadicapped people should be treated as equals. They might need minor adjustments, but they are just as hard working.

Paulette : I agree wih Paulette, when people reach a certain age they should not drive if they have an impediment that affects their driving skills, because they can cause accidents.

Celimar : I nominate Celimar's prosposal, because I believe that if they allow immigrants in the U.S., They can help the society.

Arshad : I believe that Muslims an every culture should be treated equally and they should not be judged through where they come from.

Natassia : I nominate this proposal, because Catholics nor any other religions should not be judged by their religion and what they believe in. They should be treated as equals.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Amendment Proposal;

          As you may know throughout history women have been treated as inferior to men. They have had hard times through time to get what they deserve. Woman had to organize groups, make protests and rebel against men and the government. Eventually after all their fighting to get justice time gave them freedom and equality. Still today women suffer discrimination and abuse from men, not as bad as before, but believe it or not it still happens.

          Today there are several laws that help and are in fevor of women rights. Aside from those laws that already exist, I would like to propose a modification in Law #54. Law #54 allows women to send any man to jail for spousal abuse or verbal accusations with no proof of physical abuse. In my opinion I consider that every women should me included in this law. It does not matter if women are married or not domestic abuse wether you are married or not is still abuse. Someones life is still in danger and their physical and emotional stability is still in danger. No human being should have to stand being mistreated or abused, because there is not a law to protect them.

          As I stated before women had to go through many hard times during history. After all their fighting for equality justice was made for them and they were treated as equals. Although there are several laws in favor of women I would like to make some changes in Law #54. Law #54 states that women can send any man to jail for spousal or verbal accusations without proof of physical abuse. I propose that every women be included in this law, because no women should have to stand for this abuse. Women are in every right to speak up, be heard, and fight back, but they can't do it alone. This is why I believe the law should help them fight against it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Women Rights Today;

          Women rights have taken a big turn during time. In the 1800s women were seen as inferiors when compared to men. Women fought hard over time to be treated as equals. They had to go through many struggles just to get what they rightfully deserved. Eventually through time they achieved their goal to be treated as equals.

          Back in the 1800s women were not allowed to vote or have an opinion on elections at all. Also in that time period women were payed less for doing the same work men did and some even were denied a good job for being a women. Today women are heared, they actually have a voice. Thanks to their hard work the Nineteenth Amendment now prohibits votes be discriminated based on gender. Women now are hired in good jobs and are payed just as well as men. Women can now keep their properties during and after marriage. They are now fully independent.

          Therefore as I stated before women were under estimated by men. Back in time women were restricted from many privileges. Some priviliges women were restricted from were voting, getting payed right, keeping their properties after marriage and being fully independent. Women fought with protests and succeded in their goal to be treated as equals. Today women are still discriminated sometimes, but they have come a far way and they are now treated equal to men.

Women Fighting for Equality;

          Back in history women were mistreated and discriminated, because of their gender. The fight was not easy at all for them. They were seen as weak and not capable of hard work. A women's job back then was basically being a housewife. There opinion was not taken into hard consideration nor they had the right to vote.

          Women got tired of being treated unequally so they began to fight back. Women used many different strategies to fight back and be heared. One of the strategies they used to fight back was protesting. They made huge groups and stood on the streets with multiple signs and statements. They protested for their jobs, for the right to vote and in fact one of the statements they use to say was " If women fight, women vote ". During the twentieth century a portion of the suffrage movement known as the National Women's Party that was led by Alice Paul became the first to riot outside the White House. Due to the protest many of the women protesting were put in jail. In 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment, which prohibits any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex, was ratified.

          Women never gave up and thanks to their perseverance they were succesful. Protesting helped their voices be heared. Women now have the right to vote and they are treated as equals. The fight was not easy for them, but they were fully determined to get what they wanted. Thanks to the fight the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified and now they do not have to stand for being treated any less then what they deserve and work for.

Oppression of Women;

          Women have had a history of being discriminated for their gender. During the 1800s the idea was created that the only "true woman" was the submissive wife and mother concerned exclusively with home and family. This idea meant that women were considered to be good women when they stayed at home taking care of the house and taking care of the children, meaning that single unmarried women were considered to be less. Women were considered to be weaker than men. Women were basically encouraged to be followers, but could not have an opinion.

          Women were not allowed to vote, because politics was not considered to be a women business. Businesses were also sexist. Women were not given high positions or important jobs in business companies. Also women could have had the same position as as men and done the exact same job, they got payed less than men. If we go even further back in history girls were not even allowed to go to school and get an education. Women were forced by the government to surrender their properties to their husbands after marriage. Women were basically not allowed to be fully independent.

          Women were discriminated for a very long time. Women were under estimated for their gender. They were put on lower positions than men. They were seen as if their place was always at home taking care of the children and the house. Women should have been treated equal to men, because they are fully capable of doing things just as well.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Women's Right Organization;

          An organization that fights each day for women rights is called "Women for Women International". This organization is for any women willing to join the fight to defend their rights and make their opinions be heared. Women for Women International deals with women that have gone through surviving war , civil strife, economic stability issues, and self-sufficiency. They are determined to achieve their goal, which is to change the world one women at a time. This organization helps women fight through crisis, offers leadership education, financial aids, and rights awareness. Their purpose is to be able to live in a society free from abuse, discrimination, where women can have economic independence, where women can show their true potential, achieve their goals, and a world where they can define their future.

          Women for Women International gives women who are struggling the power to take control of their lives again. This organization helps women see that they are not alone and there are people going through their same situations. Women for Women International encourages them to be more independent. It makes them see the real women inside them. The organization helps them see what they are capable of and their true potential.

          The organization Women for Women International has a cycle procedure that helps each and everyone of the women that join this organization. They make women recognize health is an essential right to any human being, meaning everyone has the right to have health care insurance. Also in order for women not to experience an injustice they make sure you know your rights. I believe every human being is strong and they just have to be determined and go after it. I think it is great that there is an organization where women are actually uniting to fight for what they believe in and for what they rightfully deserve.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Classmates Blogs

Arshad Khalil: I Learned with Arshad's essay that if they did not change their names they would not be accepted. I also learned that the Native Americans could not own weapons, so they would not go against the whites. At the end a massacre occured, not a war. The whites were Americans were afraid the Indians would rebell.

Gabriela Adams: I learned that no matter how the Native Americans tried to fight and defend their culture the Americans would always overpower the Indians. The Native Americans were very strong and proud, but they were outnumbered by the whites. Also they did not have as much resources as the Americans. I consider that her essay was true and that she spoke about the injustice of how the Americans controlled the Native American.

Raymond: With Raymond's blog I agree that the Native Americans were forced out of their land by the Americans. They were taken to reservations to live their. The whites broke all of their promises. They never gave the Americans the resources they had promise they would give them.

Jan Paul: I learned that religion was very important to the Native Americans. The Americans did not respect their religion nor their culture. They wanted the Native American to become Christians. Also i liked that he spoke about the Indians Ghost Dance, how it was banned.

Cristian Virella: I learned that some of the Native Americans moved to Canada to avoid being under the rule of the whites. I also learned that the whites took a boy from his tribe, this boy was called Ohiyesa and they changed it to Charles E. Also they took him to school and forced him to assimilate the "American way".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Struggle of the Native Americans

The whites always believed they were right. They wanted to take the Native Americans land away and control them. Americans believed the best thing was for the Indians to follow their religion and assimilate and learn the “American way”. The Americans were always fighting the Indians unfairly, just to contradict them and prove that they have the last say in everything.
During the 1800s Americans came to the Sioux land in Minnesota, wanting to take their land away to make it their own and send the Indians to reservations. The Indians were fooled into signing The Treaty of Traverse de Sioux, which since most of them did not know how to write they did by just holding the pen. The Indians were promised to be given help with schools, trade and farming, and also they were promised to be given money, these promises were broken by the Americans. The Indians felt betrayed by the whites. The Native Americans were being told what to do by people who were unknown to them and people who did not respect their beliefs. The Indians had no other option but to sign the treaty they either sign the treaty and got their land taken away or they either took it away without their “approval”.
The Americans paid attention to every step the Native Americans took. They slowly tried to take away every bit of their culture. The Americans wanted the Indians to become Christians. They found out the Native Americans were doing their Ghost Dance and forced them to stop, which had a really big significance to their beliefs.  They wanted all the Indians to have “ Christian names ” and they did not even get to choose their names. Even though the Native Americans went through a lot they tried to stay loyal to their religion. The Americans wanted the Indians to learn the “American ways”, they believed it was the best way for the Native Americans. Sitting Bull nor Red Cloud were happy about this, they were both leaders of Native American tribes.
The whites did not make agreements it was either their way or nothing at all. Sitting Bull was murdered for not following the American ways, but his tribe honored him and people have come to known him for being loyal to his culture and Indians ways. The Americans never even took the time to listen to the Indians need. They had no medicine for the Indians they just gave them alcohol to numb the pain, eventually this caused the Indians to become alcoholics and they were slowly dying. The Americans fought the Indians by taking their weapons away and while they outnumbered, which they called a “battle”, but really it was more of a massacre.
Therefore as I stated before Americans did not let the Indians have their own opinion and be independent. The Americans always believed assimilation was the best option for the Indians. Indians were very strong with their believes and culture. The Americans basically wanted to vanish the Indians culture. Eventually the Government realized part of it was their mistake. Unfortunately many Indians today are still living on a poor status and do not get a lot of help from the government.
Red Cloud

Sitting Bull

Friday, February 18, 2011

Classmates Blogs;

Stephanie ; I liked the fact that her family heritage blog wasn't boring. It keeps interested in reading, because it doesn't only talk to you about her family and where they came from. It asks you about your family heritage and makes you think about it.

Nelsharry ; I very much agree with what Nelsharry said about "What if something went on in the States and they had to come in Latin America?" That is something the United States should really think about, because I'm positive they would not like to be treated as less than other people.

Alysha ; I have to say that Alysha was right Rita was doing nothing wrong just trying to help her sister, which I think is what anyone would do. Just for reporting it they found out she was an illegal immigrant and deported her. It was very unfair.

Hector P. ; I found interesting how his last names (Porrata-Doria) were separated and then they came together. Also how Porrata were the lower class (slaves) in Italy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ruiz Pérez; Family Descendance

My paternal last name, Ruiz comes from Spain, they arrived in the United States sometime in the 1800s. My maternals’ side of the family, Pérez came from France. My mothers’ great grandmother was called Carmen Onelia Torres Caratini. They came into the United States through Ellis Island in about the 1800s.
Most of my paternal and maternal family today is spread throughout the United States, Europe and Puerto Rico. Since Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the United States we have no immigration problems when going to the U.S. The one’s that live in the United States are legal residents so they aren’t going to have any problems with immigration in the United States. I do not know much about my European descendants, but I don’t think they have issues with the immigration law when coming to the U.S.

Immigrant Story && My Opinion

My parents, my sister and I came to the US in 1984 in hopes of a better opportunity. I was five and she was three. We attended school like every other child does and were basically living a better life than the one we had back home in Colombia. Throughout the whole time we were here my parents tried very hard to obtain legal status but for some reason nothing was ever resolved. My parents worked hard and saved money. They bought their first house and paid their property taxes, did  everything they needed to do to be the perfect model citizens. With no legal status I knew I had to do something so I fell in love and got married to an American Citizen of Jewish and Polish descent. We had a child and after I obtained my citizenship I petitioned for my parents and my sister. This was April 2007.  By this time my sister was attending FMU and my father was paying for it with his hard earned money. She graduated in June 2007 with a AA in Criminal Justice. We were so proud everything was going good. I was pregnant with my 2nd child and she was going to be in the delivery room with me just like she was with my first. She was the first to go to college so we were very happy and proud of her. Then on July 3 2007 our lives were changed dramatically. I say dramatically because we never thought that my little sister could get deported. They came to her condo early in the morning with the excuse of the security at her door. She was getting ready for work and they took her before we could not do anything for her. It was completely out of our hands. Our family was distraught. It's been almost 3 yrs and if you could imagine coming from a close family nothing is the same. Thanksgiving which was our favorite time to be with the family is no longer the same. My kids are missing out on spending time with their aunt. It's not fair. She was paying for her condo and had excellent credit. She worked and graduated. She had dreams of becoming a detective and now it's gone.

In my opinion immigrants are being treated very unfairly. We are taught that we are all equal, no one is superior to anyone. This should be considered as a failure to respect people’s rights. People are very quick at being judgemental. Put yourselves in their shoes, see things from their point of view. It is not as easy as it seems to legally come in to the United States.

Carolina Yednak and her family did not do anything. They followed the laws, they attended schools, worked hard, and tried to maintain a legal status, like any other American citizen. They never resolved their illegal status issues, even though they bought their own house and they paid their taxes. They tried to do everything right and follow the law. They were not bothering anyone, they were just building up their lives and doing things right. Many Americans don’t want immigrants in the United States because they are “taking their jobs”, if you want something you need to work hard for it and that is what these people are doing. This girls’ sister had just graduated and was working hard for what she wanted it is so unfair that she got deported, but others that are in the street doing crimes are happily living in the U.S. just because they were born there. These people come to America to make something of themselves and fulfill their dreams and the law is stopping them from having a good future they have earned.

     I consider a better way to treat the issue of immigration is to check the persons record, if they have a clean record make them legal and keep them on probation for a couple of years. If they follow the law let them become permanent residents of the U.S. I understand that it is a way to prevent overpopulation and prevent having more issues with the economy. But some people do it for all the wrong reasons like racism and jealousy and that is very wrong. We have to keep in mind that we are all a part of the same world and that you can’t judge someone just because of their culture or color. Before you do something like that think about how you would feel if you were going to another country looking for a better life, how would you like to be treated?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life as Isabella Pietrocelli

February 16th, 1884
     Ciao’ or as you may say hello my name is Isabella Pietrocelli I am 15 years old and I am from Italy.. Venice, Italy to be more specific. My family and I live in a small apartment with two rooms and we are a family of six. I have three older brothers and we all share a room. Life here in Venice is hard there are hardly any jobs here. My father has to work 6 hours per day seven days a week  and he barely gets paid, sometimes my brothers go with him. My mother does the best she can in sparing the little money we have. Our family struggles a lot to have enough food even to survive. I wish I could go to the United States where the streets are filled with gold.
February 18th, 1884
     Today I received a ticket my golden pass to fulfill my dreams at last. This is the best day of my life I can not wait to tell my family. I try to teach myself the best I can to read and write and do things on my own. I just know that if I could get there things would be so much better and later on when I get there I could send money for my family. I really hope my family agrees and let me go on this journey. I know it will not be easy, but I want to take the risk to fulfill my happiness.

 March 9th, 1884
     My journey has begun, I am finally on my way to the United States. My family has agreed to everything and as soon as I can I will send money for them. First I had to get on the steam boats to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The conditions were awful, I was sleeping between people I did not know, I had to bathe with salt water and I had practically no privacy what so ever.. I hoped so bad that time would fly by. Finally after spending forty days in that awful steam boat, I arrived in Ellis Island. In Ellis Island I was questioned, my luggage was checked, I had to wait in line for hours for registry, then I got checked by a doctor for any disease, handicap or deformations. After my future was in the hands of a suspector he had the final word on whether I would be let into the United States or not, lucky for me I got admitted.

March 25th, 1894
     I am finally in the United States in New York. It has not been as easy as I thought, but I am better off than I was in Venice. I am going to school and have been working in an urban  factory. It is not the best job, but it is what they give us, so I take what I can get. I was living in filthy apartment, in a community where there were a couple of other nice immigrants, but mostly Italians. I recently reached my goal to send money for my family to come to America and moved to a nice apartment in New York. I do not regret coming to America and I am anxious to see my family after such a long time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

History of Italian immigration

     The immigration of the Italians to the United States had various reasons. Some of the most important reasons the Italians immigrated to the United States were because of their poor economy, over population, deadly diseases, little or no education and starvation. Jobs were very hard to find, if you did not have a family business or some kind of connection. This issue mainly focused in the Southern regions of Italy. Most of the immigrants were men searching for jobs. They saw migration as an opportunity of liberty and hope for a better life.
     Italians, like many others had to go through a lot to get the United States. Italians crossed the Atlantic Ocean in steam powered vessels. The trip to reach the United States was about 40 days later in 1900's it took about a week. Their journey  was rough they were crowded, they had to sleep in the same clothe, they had to wash themselves with salt water, which could cause skin irritation and other complications. They first arrived in Ellis Island, their luggage was checked and they had to make single file lines to the registry. They would also be checked for any handicap or deformations. Finally after all that process suspectors would make the decision to admit you as a United States citizen or send you back.
     Then finally Italians arrived in the United States to "fulfill their dreams". Italians were not very welcomed in the U.S. They had jobs as shoe shinning, rag picking, sewer cleaning, and hard jobs no one else wanted. They were rarely known for taking charity money or doing prostitution for money. Most Italians clustered into groups relating to their place of origin. They would disperse into other immigrant groups, while they still remained part of theirs. They lived in filthy condition. Eventually that changed.
     This has taught me that immigration was very hard back then, not only to Italians but to a lot of people that immigrated to the U.S. This has has helped me understand why they came to the United States. Why they were willing to leave it all behind and risk losing everything, even though maybe it was not a lot. I know now what they had to go through just to get their and how they began from having nothing and built themselves up.