Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life as Isabella Pietrocelli

February 16th, 1884
     Ciao’ or as you may say hello my name is Isabella Pietrocelli I am 15 years old and I am from Italy.. Venice, Italy to be more specific. My family and I live in a small apartment with two rooms and we are a family of six. I have three older brothers and we all share a room. Life here in Venice is hard there are hardly any jobs here. My father has to work 6 hours per day seven days a week  and he barely gets paid, sometimes my brothers go with him. My mother does the best she can in sparing the little money we have. Our family struggles a lot to have enough food even to survive. I wish I could go to the United States where the streets are filled with gold.
February 18th, 1884
     Today I received a ticket my golden pass to fulfill my dreams at last. This is the best day of my life I can not wait to tell my family. I try to teach myself the best I can to read and write and do things on my own. I just know that if I could get there things would be so much better and later on when I get there I could send money for my family. I really hope my family agrees and let me go on this journey. I know it will not be easy, but I want to take the risk to fulfill my happiness.

 March 9th, 1884
     My journey has begun, I am finally on my way to the United States. My family has agreed to everything and as soon as I can I will send money for them. First I had to get on the steam boats to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The conditions were awful, I was sleeping between people I did not know, I had to bathe with salt water and I had practically no privacy what so ever.. I hoped so bad that time would fly by. Finally after spending forty days in that awful steam boat, I arrived in Ellis Island. In Ellis Island I was questioned, my luggage was checked, I had to wait in line for hours for registry, then I got checked by a doctor for any disease, handicap or deformations. After my future was in the hands of a suspector he had the final word on whether I would be let into the United States or not, lucky for me I got admitted.

March 25th, 1894
     I am finally in the United States in New York. It has not been as easy as I thought, but I am better off than I was in Venice. I am going to school and have been working in an urban  factory. It is not the best job, but it is what they give us, so I take what I can get. I was living in filthy apartment, in a community where there were a couple of other nice immigrants, but mostly Italians. I recently reached my goal to send money for my family to come to America and moved to a nice apartment in New York. I do not regret coming to America and I am anxious to see my family after such a long time.

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