Friday, March 25, 2011

Classmates Blogs

Arshad Khalil: I Learned with Arshad's essay that if they did not change their names they would not be accepted. I also learned that the Native Americans could not own weapons, so they would not go against the whites. At the end a massacre occured, not a war. The whites were Americans were afraid the Indians would rebell.

Gabriela Adams: I learned that no matter how the Native Americans tried to fight and defend their culture the Americans would always overpower the Indians. The Native Americans were very strong and proud, but they were outnumbered by the whites. Also they did not have as much resources as the Americans. I consider that her essay was true and that she spoke about the injustice of how the Americans controlled the Native American.

Raymond: With Raymond's blog I agree that the Native Americans were forced out of their land by the Americans. They were taken to reservations to live their. The whites broke all of their promises. They never gave the Americans the resources they had promise they would give them.

Jan Paul: I learned that religion was very important to the Native Americans. The Americans did not respect their religion nor their culture. They wanted the Native American to become Christians. Also i liked that he spoke about the Indians Ghost Dance, how it was banned.

Cristian Virella: I learned that some of the Native Americans moved to Canada to avoid being under the rule of the whites. I also learned that the whites took a boy from his tribe, this boy was called Ohiyesa and they changed it to Charles E. Also they took him to school and forced him to assimilate the "American way".

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